Commentary on news about teen pregnancy, unmarried sexual behavior, STD, HIV/AIDS, and the sex education controversy from the abstinence until marriage perspective.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Ellen Goodman: Cevical Cancer vaccine

Ellen, Ellen! So you found four quotes for your column. Bravo for great journalism! Oops! Too bad, at least one was bogus! Leslee Unruh has denied ever talking to you or claiming HPV vaccine is an incentive for sex. Beyond that, your column is plain scary!

I'm an avid abstinence advocate and I would never speak against a cure for cancer especially one that prevents HPV. I know too many young ladies who have had the cryosurgery to remove pre-cancerous cells, several who have developed cervical cancer and one who died at the age of 26. Medicine has become a girl's only hope because they were lied to by the "safe sex" message.
The TRUTH is that information proving condoms do not prevent HPV had been unavailable, hidden or ignored until the 2001 National Institute of Health study, which was then unpublicized for almost two more years. Why? Because the less benefit condoms offer and the more people know that, then, it is theorized, fewer people will use condoms. If they stop using condoms, they will get HIV and that is far worse than HPV on someone's rating scale. So medically, condoms are pushed because AIDS is pushing that message. Surely, all those young ladies out there are more than willing to sacrifice their cervix to AIDS prevention. Too bad they weren't given the choice!

Risk reduction and protection! Without those messages, where would the "agenda" for the free right to have sex at anytime with anyone be? Wouldn't want any health consequences, a baby or feelings of responsibility, or heaven's forbid, morality to mess that up! So our young people are being convinced they can have it all thanks to a little piece of latex. Just look at what has been wrought by manipulation. Our children were sacrificed so adults wouldn't "have to choose between abstinence and death".

The TRUTH is that partners don't have to have intercourse to share HPV--its a skin to skin transmittal virus. Its one of those little consequences of "outercourse" that has been promoted as the real "safe sex". This sex didn't include vaginal intercourse...just everything up to that point. Imagine the shock of "virgins" who are getting diseases and even pregnant who didn't have sex but didn't keep their clothes on either. Damn kids always seem to be one step ahead of us and our sex education!

So Ms. Goodman, will you one day write a column about the next fatal STD and tell kids that they can keep having sex because the next new drug will save them? Will you rejoice that the HPV vaccine story proves that an epidemic can explode in less than two decades but man can cure we lose a few promising young lives along the way, that's an acceptable risk.

"Fear-mongering" is the new term for truth and questioning. Without abstinence advocates raising issues and challenging decisions, the black box warnings on some contraceptives, the FDA condom labeling, pulling products from market, and even the clear statements that now everyone uses that "Abstinence is 100% effective prevention", might have never yet occurred. Ms. Goodman you need to get out into the real world and see what sex out of wedlock has wrought. We don't stone women or men to death anymore; we've found far crueler means of torture. We start with our children. We destroy them in ways no miracle drug will ever prevent.