"Superhero for Choice"
In the same week that Lorraine Lathem, VP for Community Education at Planned Parenthood-Wisconsin, urged the end to the sex ed wars at the DPI Sexual Risk Prevention Conference, the press release on a video by Planned Parenthood Golden Gate came across my email.
In the video, a female superhero has the sole mission to protect "choice". She encounters "Sleezy Dude" as he tells teens that "the only way to prevent pregnancy is to practice abstinence". One teen objects that they learned other ways to have safe sex in school to which Sleazy Dude responds "Those are instruments from the devil's toolbox". Our superhero interrupts and throws Sleazy Dude into a trash can and asks if the kids know where to go "for their health care needs and reproductive advice". The response is "Planned Parenthood Golden Gate...because we have a choice" . Before departing, the superhero throws a "safe sex kit" to the kids as she yells, "Remember, safe is sexy".
There are other encounters even more outrageous such as vaporizing abortion protestors in a hail of condoms that encapsulate them and then explode. The scales of justice are used with "choice" on one side and "ignorance" on the other.
That, dear readers, is the mentality of the people and organizations determining the social agenda and health care in this country and around the world. Being debuted in San Francisco, this attack is a bit more bizzare but the themes run right through all confrontations in this state. Those that don't support the "choice" agenda are deemed stupid, evil, religious fanatics and rightwing conservatives forcing their ideas on Americans free to do whatever they please. The people connected with Wisconsin Abstinence Coalition proudly put the health, welfare and happiness of children first.
Bravo Planned Parenthood--keep making blunders like this one and you'll lose your audience and your funding and have no one else to blame.
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