Commentary on news about teen pregnancy, unmarried sexual behavior, STD, HIV/AIDS, and the sex education controversy from the abstinence until marriage perspective.

Friday, September 16, 2005

CDC Survey: Sexual Habits

The first impression one should get from the Journal-Sentinel article is bias. The conclusion is made that "young women are more sexually confident than they use to be" definitely is a positive judgment of sexual behavior that includes oral sex, experimenting with bisexuality, and multiple partners. Then the report concludes that most people have had "relatively few sexual partners". That term evidently refers to the median average of 6-8 female partners for men currently 30-44 years old; four for women in the same age group. Another stat, claims that 18% of Hispanic men, 22% of white men and 34% of black men have had 15 or more female partners. If that's "relatively few", what will be the standard when today's teens pass age 30.

Are we suppose to be impressed that now more teens have oral sex than vaginal intercourse? Let's throw a parade in celebration! Let's put up billboards congratulating teens on their responsible behavior of choosing an option that won't get them pregnant! Let's replace the "corner bars" with teen medical centers that can cater to their every pre- and post-sex needs! What a boon this is--just the service industries Milwaukee has been looking for!!!!!

Do you know that the websites of Planned Parenthood, SIECUS, and Advocates for Youth--the Big 3 of Sex Education-- not only recommend sex acts other than vaginal intercourse for safer sex but offer instructions for how to use condoms and dental dams? In legalese, that's called "covering your ass"--tell kids to do a safe sex behavior and then tell them they need to add more protection to make it safer when STDs are showing up in kids' mouths and throats. But what the heck, they can brag that they deserve credit for teen birth rates going down.

The problem with statistics is you have to look at all of them. Teen births might decrease but birth rates might actually increase; teen pregnancy and abortion might actually increase. When one reads the actual report instead of a news release, other statistics are found.

Whereas the article reports more than half of teens, ages 15-19, have had oral sex, it does not report that 88% of them have also had vaginal intercourse. Instead it gives us an "authority's" opinion that kids are making the safer choice. This authority will tell you that oral sex might be becoming a precursor to vaginal sex but it is not an alternative for long.

So how could recommendations to stay safe with oral sex be viewed as anything other than finding a new avenue to get kids sexually active through false kudos for"sexual responsibility"?

When are people going to get mad at what these organizations are doing to our kids! By the way, another suggestions they give kids is to avoid sexual intercourse by watching erotic films or reading erotic lit together. A Kaiser Foundation Study today said kids, 12-17, are the largest group of consumers of Internet Pornography. Come on Planned Parenthood take credit for that one!!!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Where can i find the questions you used while your were conducting your research

October 31, 2007 at 12:12 PM


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