Commentary on news about teen pregnancy, unmarried sexual behavior, STD, HIV/AIDS, and the sex education controversy from the abstinence until marriage perspective.

Friday, December 22, 2006


Jennifer Roback Morse, author of Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook-Up World, succinctly puts the ideology surrounding advocacy of contraception for everything including ending world hunger and saving the environment. She calls these the 4 tenets of "condomism":

1. Every person capable of giving consent is entitled to unlimited sexual activity. That is, if they want it, they can have it; end of discussion.

2. All negative consequences of sexual activity can be controlled by contraceptives and condoms.

3. No one has to give birth to a baby. Abortion is an absolute entitlement--no reason needed, a simple procedure available any time at all.

4. If a condom or a contraceptive can't prevent it, its not worth talking about. It is a non-issue; doesn't happen. Therefore, there isn't personal or societal fallout from unwed sexual behavior, except for babies.

There is so much evidence to the contrary and yet condomists ignore it while spewing more and more ridiculous commentary. The supreme idiocy is that people that should know better are buying it!


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