Commentary on news about teen pregnancy, unmarried sexual behavior, STD, HIV/AIDS, and the sex education controversy from the abstinence until marriage perspective.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Hats Off to Milwaukee's African-Americans

"She doesn't look like me". That was a wonderful lesson in race relations! It is the way I am described by my friend and programming partner when she talks about me to others in her community. It made me laugh because other than skin color, we are very similar. We share a passion for young people and a concern for the central city that moves us to action. Angie doesn't have a hesitant bone in her body. We can be in the middle of a conversation, a name is mentioned and she is dialing the phone to chat. She is proof that passion can be more powerful than strategy.

The best thing that Angela has taught me is that there are many people in the central city who want to find their voice, want to join together to reverse the trends, will risk doing whats right for kids. Angie finds them. She's like a Pied Piper. Sponsor a 7:30 AM breakfast and 75 people show up. Offer a program training, let her recruit, and two more have to be added to handle the numbers that will endure 8 hours of training. Need something done, she finds someone to do it. Need funding fast, she has someone to call.

These are all quality people--they're loving, funny and straight-forward. No sugar-coating! No platitudes! Tell you what they think and push you to do it better by standing beside you. I feel happier just being with them.

It has been a privilege meeting each person, young and old, male and female.

Angie has taught me another , even more valuable, lesson. Some things just aren't worth a minute of your time when there are important things to do. So goodbye committees of influence that forever spin wheels and are too proud to admit they aren't making good decisions. You are going to do what you do and you can't be stopped. But you can't stop us either...I've met the good guys and I'm betting on them.


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