Commentary on news about teen pregnancy, unmarried sexual behavior, STD, HIV/AIDS, and the sex education controversy from the abstinence until marriage perspective.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Granny, what did you do?

Isn't it amazing the money that Planned Parenthood gets to do "research" that manipulates people into thinking that family planning clinics are the most needed and relevant agencies on the planet? The latest piece of ridiculousness is meant to convince us that everyone does have premarital sex, even granny and gramps. What it doesn't delineate is whether this was a free choice, if this was a one time event or a pattern of behavior, or with whom, such as a hookup, a prostitute, or a fiance. But in this study, practically every American (95%) has sex before they hit their 45th birthday and a marriage usually gets thrown in there someplace.

Granny and Gramps were most definitely affected by their generation's sexual revolution, just as they were the Vietnam War, the Civil and Women's Rights Movement, "Flower Power", folk songs in coffee houses, and the assasinations of the sixties. They were also the first generation with a birth control drug.

There is little doubt that those in their early 60's or late 50's currently had a sexual choice their parents would have never considered. But their decision to have sex was rarely made as a teenager because the social cost would have been too great. As years passed, more of them bought into the free love mantra; you no longer lost friends, family, position. So what!

The real tragedy is Granny's generation, while outwardly doing "the right stuff"--attending Church, participating in the PTA, cheering their kids' sports, carpooling--gave up their moral core. To the point, Bishop Fulton Sheen once said "If you don't behave as you believe, you will end up believing as you behave." Because they had few consequences to shake their new "moral
beliefs", they raised their children with little mention of sexual morality. They provided no rudder whereas their parents had at least used fear. It is their children now suffering the full brunt of a sexual revolution their parents did nothing to stop.

The 50 and 60 year olds can't imagine why their children's marriages last less than a year when they cohabitated for years prior to the wedding. They don't even read all the articles about STDs because that couldn't happen to their children. AIDS is a problem in Africa; America will never be threatened...except for those immoral "gay people". They bemoan why kids today only have 1-2 kids not realizing many are lucky to have even that many due to the damage they've done to their reproductive systems through sex with multiple partners.

Granny, what did you do? You created a mess. Wake up and smell the Starbucks! By following in your footsteps, your grandchildren will not survive unless doctors find an AIDS vaccine. But that might save their lives, it won't give them happiness. Look at what they're doing to themselves--cutting, eating disorders, drugs, depression, suicide, shootings--they're not happy now! Three times as many of them are having sex as teens than your generation did. They can't handle it--their bodies, brains and hearts aren't made to handle it.

So if you want to let people use this survey to push more sexual crap on your kids and grandkids, start chopping off the branches on your family tree. This "protection" mantra is saving no one. How blind can you be?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say you got it just about right. It's exactly why I will not allow my voice to be silenced -- I am a child of the '60s and I don't want this mess perpetuated on my watch!

December 28, 2006 at 11:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responding to National Crisis, Comprehensive Safer Smoking Institute Launched

(December 27, 2006, Aggravated Press) A new institute was launched yesterday
by a coalition of leading researchers on smoking. Charles Finest, the
institute's spokesman and a respected smoking researcher from Columbus University,
stated at the press conference, held yesterday at the Penn Plaza in New York
City, "meta-analysis of smoking studies over the last 50 years reveal that 90% of
Americans have smoked at one or more times in their lives. Many of these
smokers initiated this behavior as teenagers. Therefore, we have concluded that the
abstinence-only approach to smoking education must be replaced immediately
with a more comprehensive one that includes abstinence from smoking for those
who choose it and safer or protected smoking practices such as the use of
filtered cigarettes for those who do not feel personally comfortable with a
smoking-free lifestyle. Since, the potential for oral stimulation provided by smoking
begins at birth, we strongly urge that comprehensive safer smoking education
be introduced in all kindergarten classes around the country and if possible
introduced into pre-school nursery schools as well."

Mr. Finest went on to say, "Since our research also shows a link between
smoking and other risk behaviors, especially among teens, such as alcohol and drug
use, we invite other public health organizations to replace current
moralistic abstinence-only drug education with more realistic approaches that take into
account the diversity of views regarding the use of marijuana, cocaine, and
heroin. After all, large number of adults have smoked pot one or more times in
high school and in college. Some have also explored cocaine and heroin use. It
is time that our national conversation with youth reflects this more
realistic norm. Anti-drug chauvinism threatens their rights to self-exploration and
makes it more likely that when they do shoot up, they will fail to adopt safer
shooting up practices."

"Students should be encouraged to abstain from heroin use, but for those who
choose not to do so, in confidential classroom sessions can be shown how to
shoot up safely, with clean needles and safer doses, certified to be safer by a
chemistry teacher. The health education classroom is an ideal place to teach
safe shooting up practices, but we also recommend that students be allowed to
conduct independent studies for extra credit, with real-life experience taught
by junkies who have been trained in safer shooting up methodologies."

"Moralistic approaches, which are not based on science and lack medical
accuracy, reflect a drugophobic consciousness that does not represent the
multiplicity of views and choices that all Americans make. We are also concerned about
the potential damage to the self-esteem of the children of drug addicts if
they are taught in school that drug addiction is bad for their health and even
the risk of violence from outraged parents whose children refuse to get high."

"Furthermore, we are even more alarmed that parents with smoking and drug
phobias will try to dissuade their elementary school and high school children
from exercising their rights to self-expression and their rights to exploration
of intoxicated awareness. The time to replace out-dated abstinence-only smoking
and drug education with a truly comprehensive safer smoking and shooting up
education is NOW. This is an urgent national crisis that must be faced with
courage, realism and a more nuanced approach! We call on Congress or the
President to appoint a bipartisan commission to study the removal of abstinence-only
smoking and drug education in Americas schools, by April 1 at the very latest."
Doesn't this sound ridiculous? It is and so is the rationale of the comprehensive sex ed folks.

December 29, 2006 at 12:46 PM


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